Thursday 25 November 2010

Group Presentation

During a group discussion we have decided to combine the ideas of myself and Kefira to create our basic idea.

In both ideas the main character is a girl and we will merge both stories and make one girl from the two ideas.

After making a list of our opening scenes the main things we have decided to keep are

·        Tags on the girls clothing will show the credits this was Kefira’s idea.
·        Main girl is walking in the hallway and more credits pop up around her.
·        The effect we will later research, which is when the main character is in real time and everyone else is moving a lot faster than the main character to give the effect of time passing, this was from my idea.
·        We are using my opening sequence and Kefira ideas and making the girls the same in each story.
·        As a group we decided to merge Kefira and Emanuella’s female character is going to be combined into one girl.

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