Thursday 25 November 2010

Opening Sequence Analysis

Video related to slide 2

Group Presentation

During a group discussion we have decided to combine the ideas of myself and Kefira to create our basic idea.

In both ideas the main character is a girl and we will merge both stories and make one girl from the two ideas.

After making a list of our opening scenes the main things we have decided to keep are

·        Tags on the girls clothing will show the credits this was Kefira’s idea.
·        Main girl is walking in the hallway and more credits pop up around her.
·        The effect we will later research, which is when the main character is in real time and everyone else is moving a lot faster than the main character to give the effect of time passing, this was from my idea.
·        We are using my opening sequence and Kefira ideas and making the girls the same in each story.
·        As a group we decided to merge Kefira and Emanuella’s female character is going to be combined into one girl.

Teacher assessment

I was given the grade:


Self Assessment of Personal Presentation.

What went well?
  • Good presentation
  • Good balance between information on the board and what I said myself.
  • Correct balance between pictures and words
  • Well chosen film to analyse music and camera shots
  • Chose a drama film to link to my genre

Even better if?
  • If I further developed my storyboard
  • Provided handouts for the class
  • Write down what I know about the BBFC instead of just saying it

What grade would you give yourself?

B because when looking at the mark scheme I met the following criteria for the B grade.

  • Communicates well with planning
  • Use of visuals
  • Good independent learning
  • Good standards overall
  • Good knowledge /ideas of topic

Short Blog 2

For the G321 side of the course I have learned:
• When making a film, producers/directors take into account the effect titles and fonts have.
• Whether the fonts are appropriate for the genre and how the title comes on the screen.
• I have learnt how to make and use storyboards.
• How to consider camera angles and what the effect each different one has on the audience.
• I have learnt the difference between diagetic and non-diagetic music and the intended effect each one has.

For the G321 side of the course I have done:
• Individual presentation
• Partner project
• Opening sequence analysis
• Grades
• Targets
• Short blog on drama genre
• Film club short blog
• Group information presentation

Thursday 4 November 2010

Film Club

I attended film club on the drama days and watched the shawshank redemption film. I found it hard to follow the film week after week but I did like the film, I dont know whether it was because the film was old but the grainy effect on the film did work very well. I also like the voice over which complimented the film and added to the knowledge of the audience. The film highlighted to me even further that films especially drama films are used as a means of communication and for future reference it highlights the social and historical context of when the film was made or the time period of which it was set. The film has inspired me to create something that is very relevant to the social and historical context of todays world.

Short Blog 1

I am most interested in the drama genre because I really do not like horror and film noir did not appeal to me that much. I have watched many drama films and what i like most is the fact that many intertwine and combine many emotive story lines which draw the audience closer to the character and to the story itself. What I like about drama films is that unlike horror films the music isnt just used to create suspense or scare the audience it is used to enhance the scene and reflect the mood.


  1. Keep on top of all work and keep all work and notes together
  2. Watch more drama films to find more conventions of the genre
  3. Spend more time on my blog and doing research.


Alis: 39.97
Predicted: B
Current grade: D
Effort: 3

Hopefully by my next report my effort will improve