Wednesday 23 February 2011

Film Making Techniques

I stayed after school and watched a number of clips that showed different filming techniques.

  • 360* shot; effective because it adds to impact of what is going on (an important phone call) it also acts as an establishing shot
  • filming items to narrate what is going on. EG the actor says i have a phone, a few coins, an egg - what we see on screen is a phone, a few coins an egg come up one after another
  • when doing flashbacks have real time voice overs come in while flashback is happening to close back into real time
  • Zoom out of a real time scene to go into a flashback
  • To create a documentary style = minimal camera shake
  • Layering of voices for flashbacks
  • Zoom in + out quickly for flashbacks, adds to distortion
  • Use shots appropriately only use shots where needed to add emphasis EG only really use zoom for a thought or to intensify a feeling

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