Wednesday 23 February 2011

5 films


This is our preliminary task!

  • Smoothness in panning 0.20-0.26secs is very shaky and unsteady
  • Diagetic sounds give away different filming times EG the wind at 0.37secs
  • At some points the editing is choppy
At some points the diagetic sounds chop and change showing different takes and editing choices. 

Continuity and cohesion with script. Emanuella says " or do i need to say it in french " while holding a history textbook after she just pointed at it implying she was holding a french textbook.

Our attempt at the 180* rule is clear but not executed properly as we carry on till about 270* therefore placing the characters in different positions than what they were presented to the audience.

Learning about the equpiment

To be able to film our preliminaries and our opening sequence we needed to learn about the equipment.


  • Work the tripod (extending the legs, attachment where the camera sits at the top of the tripod)
  • Paying attention to the spirit level so I always know the camera is level
  • How to record
  • How to put the tape in the camera

Top of the tripod

Tripod bag

Recording camera

The tripod

Introduction to MACS

In one lesson our teacher showed up the ins and outs of iMovie and how we can use it to edit our preliminary tasks. In the lesson I learnt how to record, edit and use different transition effects on iMovie. We also learnt the difference between MACS and PCS. Learning simple things like filing and saving a document.

Feedback: Reserach and Planning

  • balance between written word and spoken information
  • The locations
  • Planning that went into the work
  • There was an introduction
  • Work balance was fair
  • BBFC information was more developed
  1. Have more group work so there is more continuity in slides
  2. Go further into connotations
  3. Learn how to be more specific = less writing

Film Making Techniques

I stayed after school and watched a number of clips that showed different filming techniques.

  • 360* shot; effective because it adds to impact of what is going on (an important phone call) it also acts as an establishing shot
  • filming items to narrate what is going on. EG the actor says i have a phone, a few coins, an egg - what we see on screen is a phone, a few coins an egg come up one after another
  • when doing flashbacks have real time voice overs come in while flashback is happening to close back into real time
  • Zoom out of a real time scene to go into a flashback
  • To create a documentary style = minimal camera shake
  • Layering of voices for flashbacks
  • Zoom in + out quickly for flashbacks, adds to distortion
  • Use shots appropriately only use shots where needed to add emphasis EG only really use zoom for a thought or to intensify a feeling

Final Idea

Different Final Ideas

After previously presenting our idea to our peers, we then came up with three different takes of our opening sequence that still carry on the same narrative.

The response we received was positive and have come to the conclusion that we would combine the narrating element in idea 3 with idea 1

Research and Planning for final piece

Slides 1-21 ^

^ Remaining slides

Job Allocations