Thursday 16 December 2010

Self assessment of what I learned from todorov/propp task

From this task I understood the difference between a narrative and a story (which is that a story is person A saw person B ect whereas a narrative is once upon a time...)

A narrative is the events presented in a story. I also learnt that the narrative is very important because it helps the audience understand things. Tvzetan Todorov was a theorist that suggested that in all films there is an equilibium, disequilibrium which upsets the balance of things and then a new equilibrium is started where the balance is restored.

 Other theorists suggested that only a certain amount of characters which have certain characterists appear in all films such as a mentor (person who teachers the main character something)

This has lead me to think about my character presentation and profile in more detail so the audience can easily identify and understand each character.

Narrative Research